Sunday, January 5, 2020

Prophetic Words For West Virginia

Ray Hughes
Prophesy to West Virginia
 by Ray Hughes
of Morning Star Ministries
words given at Kings River Worship Center,
St Albans
July 18, 1999:
... The Kiss of His Presence
Ray Hughes prophesied several things for this area for which we need to pray to gain an understanding:

“Powerful suddenlies are coming to this part of the nation.  This season is going to bring a lot of signs and wonders.  Signs and wonders are going to be poured out all over this place this weekend. “Pray until we hear the abundance of rain.” (Immediately as Ray came to the gathering, it began to rain, very surprising since we were months into a drought.  It continued to rain for the rest of the weekend.  A small tornado inexplicably touched down in St. Albans where we were meeting.  No rain was forecast, as even being possible, and weather forecasters had no explanation for the tornado.  From that date until now, the drought has been broken, and we have had an abundance of rain and pleasant weather. For the past eighteen months, every major storm bringing bad weather has split at the WV border going north and south of this area. This has truly been a breakthrough.)
Angelic Visitations
“There will be angelic visitations on a corporate level.  Signs and wonders are coming in such reality we won’t be able to contain it.”
“What about God raising up a bunch of folks that don’t have a snowball’s chance of being anything in life, and all of a sudden He puts the KISS OF HIS PRESENCE on their lives They will be a voice that He will hear, but they will also be heard in the nation.  They will be conduits of His glory, displays of His wonders.  The beauty of the presence of the Lord is a real thing He wants to unveil and release to those who come into agreement with what He wants to do.  We are to have  one big stamp that says Jesus on our foreheads and He’s gonna put His glory on it.”
“God wants to change the mind set of this city  -  this area of the nation.  He invites us to come to the place of third heaven revelation, to become a part of his voice.  We must come into agreement with Him.  It’s time for a revelation revolution – to become history makers.  He’s looking for a “So be it”, an “Amen”, an agreement with Him from plain old folks to walk in a new level of revelation, a new level of authority, a new level of glory, a new level of signs and wonders.  God desires to reign in WV.  God’s about to really show His glory to this city.  God is not going to let us continue to confine Him to the littleness of our “traditions.”
Thunder in the Mountains
“There is a sound coming out of heaven.  It’s going to thunder into this state.  It may look like disaster.  It may look like floods.  It may look like tragedy.  It may look like earthquakes.  You’re going to have tremors in places you’ve not had tremors. You’re about to have some upheaval – go into seasons of war, seasons of aggressions of the enemy.  There’s gonna be mighty thunderings, trembles, and  catastrophe.  In the middle of everything that’s coming, there’s gonna be a people that God’s gonna exalt, stand in the high places, declare the Word of the Lord, take the numbers of the storms, the numbers of the winds and tornados that come.  God will give His people the authority and strategy to boldly declare His Word into every situation,  Humbling ourselves and uniting around the purposes of God.  God’s about to make His voice very clearly heard.  There’s about to be a prophetic voice brought to this state, to this part of the state right here. There will be a clear sound, it’s gonna be heard.  It had better be responded to because the reaction to it will result in an upheaval, both in the spirit and in the natural.  But also you’re about to see phenomenal moving of God in mercy, grace, and healing.”

“Quit trying to live down your reputation!”
“God is giving a window of grace and change and He’s really cleansing an atmosphere here, that prayer, intercession, praise and worship can rise out of here as an incense unto the throne of God joined with fire upon God’s altar and God fires it back down to blow holes in the heavens and open up the powers and principalities and the spiritual wickedness that have dominated this entire region for generations.  He’s going to break depression, break poverty, all things of iniquity that have gripped us – fourth and fifth generational stuff (Rev.8).  God’s giving a window of opportunity right now in this generation - at this time - for a response of His people to bring a real release of His glory.  It got polluted with personal preference – man’s ideology.  The Lord has drawn His sword against the enemy in this area.  Keep on releasing prayer and intercession – praise and worship.  There are levels of praise and intercession coming, that no longer will you be defending yourself, but pulling down strongholds in this area - third heaven revelation, taking an offensive position not a defensive position, getting down on them.  God’s gonna blow both ends out of this traditional stuff around here.  God is about to send a real refreshing of the spirit that’s going to blow us away.  It’s about God being God – not allowing pride .  Our sacred cows and pet pigs are about to be roasted.  Some real smoke a rolling.  I want to be in the smokehouse when that happens.  He requires a major sacrificing of our opinions and preferences.  We must deal with our garbage.  God wants to deal with the spirit of tradition that has been hard to break.  Many people of God in this area are broken and have given up.  He always does His work in people of brokenness and humility before Him, with passion for Him, so His compassion of the gospel can come forth. He wants a sacrifice of praise.  We must press into God with all our hearts, not label others.”   “The next 24 to 36 months are a season of changes and accelerated preparation. This land of WV is extremely important to the purposes of God”.

The Government of the Kingdom

“The elders of this city have an awesome responsibility as to how they respond to the workings and dealings of God to this part of the nation.  That’s one of the reasons God is really turning up the heat to establish His government – to get an apostolic order established in this time.  God wants to bring the five fold ministries into their functioning positions that He might be able to make that fist to do something.  It’s time for the real war to take place and the Lord our God is already bearing His arm and He’s getting ready to release some things against the powers of darkness that have dominated our area of the nation for a long time.  This land you guys live on is extremely important to God and the purposes of God for the future.  That shouldn’t come as a surprise to you.  This land is in the purposes of God, not for the continuation of the enemy bringing chaos, poverty, depression, confusion, and all the things people have suffered under here.  Much of it has to do with the blood that has been spilled without repentance.  When the white men came here, they realized the Indians had something they wanted.  So, they “got” them out of here.  There is a redemptive purpose for the way God created this bouquet of people.  The sounds of Ireland and Scotland cause you, WV, to come alive.  The Red man can see in the spirit, but this vision has been perverted because of sin and violation against them.  We plucked the “seeing eye” of the church and there’s been a war on prophetic theology as being acceptable ever since.” 

“Our corporate purpose: “ To touch the heart of God until his hand is released in this city.”  “Real unity brings real agreement and then we will hear from heaven.”  “Until we get real and get past our own little deal and fall so in love with God that nothing else matters, we’ll not see revival.  Have an encounter with God of the Word!”  “We diminish all possibility of God really using us if we don’t have passion for Him.”

“God’s raising up a bunch of radicals that are ready to release the THUNDER OF HIS PRESENCE in this nation; they’re not too awfully concerned with what it sounds like or looks like.  God is going to show up.  He may use the eloquent or the crude.”

“There’s a really good opportunity that the Lord wants to give to this county, the power to break the demonic spirit of abortion and the Lord’s gonna give you strategies in the corporate setting to stop abortion in this whole state, because you’re close enough to the Capitol to have an impact in the spirit of abortion (2Chr. 20).  The Lord’s going to raise up those prophetic voices to give real God strategy and there’s going to be real dealing with the perversion, incest, pornography, and those things that are causing the next generation to be victimized.  God does not want another victimized generation.  There’s going to be a victorious generation come out of here.  There’s about to be a surprise attack by the Spirit and it’s not going to be a political agenda anymore.  God is about to give His prophets the voice and the strategies, and this time they’re going to be caught off-guard by the authority.  They didn’t expect praise to sew so much confusion in the enemy.  The enemy will devour itself.  It’s coming quickly and suddenly.  A surprise attack of His glory.”

“It’s not about you; it’s about Him.  People need to get healed up of themselves.  Satan uses jealousy, envy, strife, confusion, selfish ambition, ignorance, etc. to keep the nations and peoples of the world in bondage and idolatry.  This keeps God from moving in great power and authority.  Pronounce death to that.  All are guilty”.

God give us grace for a season of dramatic change in the way we live, in the way we think – a great season of the revelation of Your glory in this area.  Give us grace to be willing to pay the price for Your anointing.  Give us grace for willing hearts to submit our lives to You.  Help us to get over our agendas and be Your people.  Mature us!  Do whatever it takes.  Let the fire of Your Glory bring devastation on the enemy, not on the land. Make us conduits of God’s glory”

*We must pray for corporate humility melted together by fire and oil of God’s anointing to bring unity!

*We must pray that God will change us from a mess into a message!
*We must pray that the harvester will     overtake the planter!
*If we’re not willing to risk a riot, we’ll not   get a revival!
Obstacles to God’s Outpouring

Some of Ray’s discernment concerning previous obstacles to God’s outpouring in this area:
·          He has been tarrying for an outpouring of Holy Spirit in this area because the “hounds” are still loose.
They’ve been strolling garbage that stops unity (anything that causes offense: accusation, control, personal agenda, personal gain, i.e.).

·          We have had spiritual “gypsies” for Jesus running from church to church stirring up a mess.  They run when God starts to deal with the issues of their hearts.  This must stop.

·          God is dealing with the spirit of witchcraft and manipulation in the spirit.

·          God has released two previous windows of       opportunity, but His spirit was grieved.  His      outpouring was polluted with personal preference.

·          Intercessors have often been depressed for years, but God’s changing this.  Intercession is rising.

What we have embraced as culture is a let down in defenses for demonic forces to come in and entrench our lives as a people group.  This has come because of:        

·          Wrong responses to sin and violation by  governmental authority.
·          Wrong  responses to sin and violation by ecclesia.

The amplitude (largeness, extent, abundance) of our intercession has to do with our attitude which determines our altitude.

When we have visions or dreams from the third heaven (the heavenly realm), we are to pray offensively.  When we have visions or dreams from the second heaven (the demonic realm), we are to pray defensively.

See All "Prophetic Words For West Virginia

Introduction to 8 Prayer Watches

The 8 Prayer Watches

by Sounds In The Earth, Sounds In The Earth Prophetic Intercessors
In James 5:16 (NIV), we are told that the “prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.”
As we pray, we stand watch over our families, cities, and nations. Just as men stood on city walls in the Bible to watch for approaching danger, God calls us to be modern-day watchmen and warn those who are in danger (2 Kings 9:17-18).
We are to watch not only for the enemy’s activity but also for the manifestation of God’s plans.
If we watch for the enemy and announce his activity, we can avert the devil’s plans to steal, kill
and destroy what God has for us. Jesus said in Matthew 24:43, “But know this, if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.”
Today more than ever, it is important that we pray and seek the mind of the Lord: “Thy Kingdom come.Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Major decisions we are confronted with require us to know God’s individual will for our lives.
With the Holy Spirit’s leading, we can discover God’s will and expose the plans of the enemy
through strategic prayer.
The Bible speaks of “watches,” which are specific times of the day or night. There are basically eight watches covering 24 hours. This is because everyone has a prayer watch, even though they may not know it. This is why you may find yourself repeatedly praying at specific times of the day or evening. If you have ever been awakened during the night or are wondering why you are being led to pray at specific times, it is probably because God wants you to pray or intercede for someone. Every prayer watch has a purpose.  See More

Prophetic Words For West Virginia

Ray Hughes Prophesy to West Virginia  by Ray Hughes of Morning Star Ministries words given at Kings River Worship...